Web Resources

Asian American Issues Websites

There are many great websites that provide information and support for Asian Americans and Asian American issues. The websites below are highlighted because they provide breadth and depth on Asian American experiences.

A self-proclaimed guide to Asian American empowerment, this website provides research articles, commentaries, and artistic pieces on the Asian American experience.

This website provides a nice sociological overview of historical, demographic, and cultural issues that affect the Asian American community. Check out Asian-Nation’s internet links page for very comprehensive lists of internet sites ranging from the media to civil rights and social justice issues.

Asian American Health—National Institutes of Health
A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, this website provides up-to-date information about health concerns of Asian Americans.

This website provides career and self-development information for Asian Americans and other minorities. Check out the weekly comic strip “Secret Asian Man” by Tak Toyoshima in the Asian American village.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these websites are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the Counseling Center or University of Illinois.