
Sexual Assault


College students are more likely to experience sexual assault than the general population, but all genders, ages, ability status, and body types are at risk. Sexual assault is defined as forced, manipulated, or coerced sexual contact. When someone forces you to have sex, that is rape— even if you know the person.

 Sexual assault is against the law and a violation of the University Code of Conduct.

What to Know if You or a Friend is Assaulted

  • The most important thing to know is that sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault.
  • It’s recommended to get medical attention for possible injuries, STIs, pregnancy and/or for evidence collection if you would like to pursue a criminal complaint.
  • You may want to call the local sexual assault center, RACES, at 217-384-4444 or the Emergency Dean at 217-333-0050; they can answer questions and concerns.

It’s common to feel fear, anger, self-blame, depression and anxiety. What you are feeling can have both physical and emotional effects. Difficulty sleeping and concentrating, social withdrawal, nightmares, flashbacks, and emotional numbing are all common reactions to sexual assault. There are many resources to support you during this time.

Campus and Community Resources

We Care website
The Student Assistance Center, Office of the Dean of Students, Women's Resources Center, Office of University Counsel, Office of Diversity Equity and Access, and the University of Illinois Police have created this website to provide information to help you decide what actions to take and how to find support.

Women’s Resources Center
Provides individual supportive advocacy services. Contact them at 217-333-3137. 

Rape Advocacy Counseling & Education Services (RACES)
Provides individual counseling and other support services. Contact their office at 217-344-6298, or the 24-hour crisis line at 217-344-4444.

Counseling Center
We provide individual therapy to aid in recovering from sexual trauma.

We also offer a Women’s Empowerment Group for survivors.

Reporting What Happened

University of Illinois Police
Immediate emergency reports can be made by calling 911. For non-emergency situations, call University of Illinois Police at 217-333-1216. The University of Illinois Police work closely with other police agencies and Student Affairs units to ensure students receive comprehensive services when they make the decision to report an incident.

Office for Student Conflict Resolution—handles complaints against University of Illinois students related to sexual misconduct. To make an appointment, please call 217-333-3680.

Civil No Contact Order—a court order that requires the offender to stay away from the survivor. You can obtain this from the Office of the Champaign County Circuit Clerk. You can call both the Women’s Resources Center (217-333-3137) and Rape Advocacy Counseling & Education Services (217-344-6298) to ask for assistance and to have someone go to court with you. 

Keeping up with Classes

The Student Assistance Center can assist with absence letters or dropping/withdrawing from classes. Call 217-333-0050 or email