Call for Proposals

We would love to have a variety of presentations from a diverse group of presenters! Please consider submitting a proposal. This year's conference theme is: Being Radically Well Together: Addressing the Challenges of Higher Education. The conference is October 6-7, 2024 at the Illini Union, which is in the heart of the University of Illinois’ campus.

We welcome proposals from our colleagues at all stages of their careers. Training directors, we understand that the timing of our conference doesn't allow for incoming interns to submit a proposal. If you would like your 2024-2025 cohort to have the experience of leading a roundtable discussion, please provide us with some general information now, and then once interns start, we'll reach out for specific details for the program.

Programs could focus on maintaining and building wellness in the current political landscape, addressing microaggressions, examining power and privilege, and developing multiculturally-competent outreach interventions. Program proposals that address this year’s conference theme will be given priority consideration. Please submit an electronic copy of your proposed program via the form listed below.

When submitting a proposal, please note that we are looking for a brief content overview of the topic you’ll be exploring followed by action-oriented steps to promote change. If your proposal is accepted, the presentation title, presenter information, and abstract you provide will be included in the conference program—please be sure the information you submit is accurate. More than one proposal may be submitted; however, multiple acceptances will be reviewed with consideration for conference schedule limitations. Proposals are due by midnight central time on July 1, 2024.

You will receive notification of acceptance by July 15, 2024. To allow as many to participate as possible, we may ask you to consider collaborating with others if similar proposals are submitted.

Proposal Submission Form