Social Justice and Supporting Students During the Pandemic

“Social Justice and Supporting Students During the Pandemic” Carlton Cummings (he, him, they, them), M.S., Megan Fernandes (she, her, hers), M.A., Jose Soto-Crespo (he, him, his), M.S., and Michelle Spiewak (she, her, hers), M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This program aims to engage participants in an interactive, collaborative conversation regarding a collectively novel experience. This conversation will serve to illuminate the diverse experiences of the student population amidst the pandemic. This program aims to foster a communal experience with the goal of exploring new ways to support students. This program ultimately aims to equip and encourage participants to take a proactive stance and commitment to support students.

Direct Zoom Link 

Meeting ID: 952 6629 4301
Password: DHM20